Below is a generic request meant to be sent to candidates in your district. Copy and paste it into an email, letter ect., then edit it for specific purposes. Remember, everything is optional. The message is from you, be comfortable.
Illegal Migration Inquiry Form Request
To Candidate: (Candidate’s name. If an incumbent use the term "To the Honorable…")
From: (YOUR NAME and organization)
Subject: Request that you fill out our Inquiry form about illegal immigration.
I am sending this message on behalf of the Citizens For Immigration Reform. ( You can find out more about them at this URL; ) They are endeavoring to determine the illegal migration stance of all Texas candidates for state Representative and Senate office before the primaries on March 4, 2008. To this end, they have created a Inquiry form. The responses to it will be posted on a website they have set up. This will allow the constituent activists, like me, who are concerned about unlawful migration to know the your stance on the issue and make the decision to vote for, campaign for, contribute to etc., accordingly.
Here's a LINK to the website>> (If the LINK is inactive, cut and paste it into your browser search bar.)
At the bottom and top of the Introduction page there are links (#Downloadable Files, Inquiry Form HTML version , and Inquiry Form PDF file for printout ) that will take you to the Inquiry form and Cover letter. The Inquiry form contains illegal migration control ideas that were introduced in the 80th legislature in 2007.
If you will take some time print out the Cover letter and Inquiry form, fill it out, put your signature on the bottom of each page and mail it back to them along with a telephone number where they can confirm your responses, they will post it on the website described above. It will be in the form of a table. If you click on the (District 0) link at the bottom of the Introduction page, you can see an example they have created. As you can see, a link to your website will be posted if applicable. NOTE: It will probably be easier to understand the example if you look at the inquiry form first.
You are probably wondering why you should fill out a form for this organization.. Well, here are a few reasons:
1. You will be able to clarify your position further on this issue, draw your supporters closer to you and attract new ones.
2. The information will be on the Internet, which means it will be accessible to anyone in the world and especially in Texas if you have ambitions beyond your district.
3. The organization plans to create an email network of political activists, some of whom will be in your district.
4. Legislators of like minds will have another resource for coordinating their efforts.
5. I am asking you to do so as your constituent.
Owing to the fact that they have been introduced before, these ideas have the advantage of predetermination as to what constitutional wording needs to be changed in order for them to have the desired effect. Also, the bills can be looked at for reference and context, and in order to spark new ideas.
CFIR began this effort by thinking they would generate our own list of ideas and advocate for their passage in 2009, then they realized that they were doing our cause a disservice in not taking advantage of the wisdom and experience that was already present in the state legislature. So, they found 48 bills from the 80th legislature that affected illegal migrants and distilled them down to 36 ideas.
(optional) If you have any questions, please call me at (your number).
Thanks, (YOUR NAME)
Countdown Calendar
If you're concerned about illegal immigration and want to do something about it, this is the Website for you. The immigration stance of a candidate is revealed here, if he or she chooses to let it be known. Click on the INTRODUCTION PAGE link to learn more. And if your candidates haven't revealed their stance on this issue, use the candidate info to contact them and ask why. Our purpose is to encourage grassroots activism. CFIR